The Rainbow Flower Bears Series created from the famous children novel Rainbow Flower written by Valentin Katayev. Just like the magical petal of rainbow flower,The rainbow flower bears also have their unique wishing and blessing.The light blue bear represents the beautiful wishing,it vibrates the energy of confident and can calm the mood and bring the feeling of peace.
The Light Blue Rainbow Flower Bear Information
Filling material: polyester (polyester fiber)
Fabric: Polyester (polyester fiber)
Bear weigh:1000 gram
Bear height: 25 CM Standing
Not suitable for the kids under 3 years old
3-6 years child should be under supervision when playing this bear
Hand washing only
Air dry, do not iron or bleach
Bears will need 8-15 days travel to your home.
The tracking number will be available in 3-7 days.
The bears should not be harmed when you issue the return.
If the bears is hurt in the Journey to your home, we offer send back service by free.